PRCS Annual Guides Camp 2010
Posted on: Thursday, January 6, 2011
Posted at: 8:27 AM
The annual guides camp of 2010 is held on 7-9 December 2010, three days two night. This year, the camp is much more different from last year as we get to go out to the city area for an amazing race. This year's theme is, CHOCOLATE!

Day 1 at 8am, the guides fall in at the tower. It started off with the checking of bags by the Patrol Leaders. After that, we proceeded to the field to pitch the tents, which will be the place we will be sleeping for the two nights. We built the gadgets for our tents, such as clothes line, shoe racks and baggae racks (for the 8-man tent). Then it was our lunch.

After our lunch, we were assigned to our camp patrols. We get to know one another by communicating and bonding as a team. We did our patrol identities too. Later in the day after settling down, we went up to the hall for the telematch games. We had a great time playing the games and we get to be more bonded with our patrol. Then in our own patrols, we discussed for the campfire item and soon, it was time for dinner.

We got ready to shower and was given a limited time. We were told to bring a dark coloured T-shirt along as we fall in. Then it was our night walk. Our night walk was very special and the main thing of the whole night walk is to trust the person giving us the instructions. Ending the night walk, we had our reflections for the day. After reflections, it was lights out and the start of the night duties.

Day 2, we woke up and washed up. We had Physical Training (PT) after that to wake ourselves up more. Then it was breakfast. The leaders taught us some campfire songs while waiting for everyone to settle down. When everyone is present, the leaders gave us the instructions for the next activity, Kim's Game. The patrols were supposed to go to the place the clue had told them and solve the puzzle given a the station by the station masters. Wrapping up the Kim's Game, it was lunch time.

After lunch, we were told to pack our day pack as we were going out of school to the city area for our next activity, which is the Amazing Race. We went up the bus and headed for City Hall. Upon reaching the destination, instructions and warnings were told and after that, the patrols set out to the place the first clue is given to them. The amazing race lasted for about 2 hours and after that, we all assembled at the open space and headed back to school.

When we reached back to school, we settled down and had some preparations for the campfire items again. Then it was time for dinner. After dinner, all of us when to change into our trackpants as we get ready for the campfire. Seniors had came back to join us for the campfire. We warmly welcomed them and started the campfire. The campfire went out smoothly and ended smoothly. We did our reflections for the day again and it was lights out and night duties.

Day 3, we woke up the same timing and as usual, we had our PT. After that was our breakfast. Most of us striked down the tents and gadgets while the others clear the leftovers of the campfire, such as the zinc plates and ponchos. We had a short break to replenish ourselves after staying under the hot sun for a long time. We took out our manito gifts and fall in at the tower once again. The manito gift session started and everyone gave their gifts to their manito buddy/friend. It ended well and after that, it was time to say goodbye and we break camp.

Here are some pictures of the camp:
Campfire's burning~

Seniors perfoming an item for us!

Guides participating enthusiastically in the campfire cheers

Best camper for Secondary 1: Felicia
Best camper for Secondary 2: Tracey

Best camper for Secondary 3: Charmaine

The group with the best campfire performance: Toblerone

Thank you leaders! :D

Posted on: Monday, May 17, 2010
Posted at: 6:21 AM
finally our sec 4s get to do their CIP for the Gold Award,
and its also the last activity we sec 4s gonna have together.
4h with Pearl Childcare Centre and it was great fun!
i believe everyone had something to learn from this short but sweet experience.
story-telling, coaching in studies, marking homework, patting childen to sleep...
i think we had understood that being a teacher isnt that easy.



Farewell Party 2010
Posted on: Friday, April 23, 2010
Posted at: 9:07 AM
I'm glad the farewell party turned out well! We (the sec3s) were sooooo nervous, cos it's our first time planning for such a major event! Hopefully, everyone enjoyed it? :)

Anyway, the pictures will be uploaded another day, when Cheri has transferred the pics to facebook probably? :D She might be creating a group just for PRCS Guides too! ^^
Meanwhile, I'll post up the video :)


Enjoy, ^^

Jonyi :)

Speceh day 10 & enrollment course :)
Posted on: Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Posted at: 12:46 AM
Hi. Im vanessa chua

Hi. I'm CURRY :D

Hi. I'm Valerie. :D

We're going through the enrollment process with the sec 1s~

Soooo meanwhile we'll update the blog :D:D

Preperation for speech day while sec 1s are going through enrollment course :D:D


Khairy, Valerie & Van! :D

Thinking Day! (Monday)
Posted on: Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Posted at: 12:39 AM
22 february 2010

We woke up early in the morning to come to school and got ready to march out infront of the whole school.It was a strange sight to see so many blue uniforms instead of our usual yellow uniforms. :D We were all feeling very nervous and excited at the same time. Before we knew it, it was time for us to march out. The marching went smoothly without a hitch. Our leader Maliah then gave the speech infront of the whole school. Then we had to say our promise, we were proud of ourselves. We stood there for about twenty minutes.This was a Girl Guide moment! Afterwards, we marched out. We all felt satisfied with our performance because we had done our best and had put in so much effort. We had to wear our full uniform for the whole day,distinctly marking us out from the rest.It was a privilege. Every guide should be proud of thinking day and we certainly are! :)

Posted on:
Posted at: 12:38 AM

Thinking Day 2010

20th February, we went for Thinking day at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. :) We receieved our PNA Silver Award. The performance was very interesting and we learned more about the history of girl guiding. XP The highlight of the performance was when a sports car drove into the performance area which made all of us excited. X) We did not get to participate in any performances this year but we were involved in making a backdrop for a scene. There was no lunch provided!!!:( However, we had our mini picnic over there with our favourite potato chips!:) Hehe...

Although it was a tiring day, we really enjoyed our trip there. We look forward to the next Thinking day and more exciting performance.:D We should aim gold for the next PNA. No, it a must.:P

Camp Challenge'09
Posted on: Thursday, December 10, 2009
Posted at: 12:19 AM

We and the East Divsion's gateway

The campfire people
Tele-match with other divisions

Cheri and Geralyn, participating in the tele-match games

The outdoor games people

The rafting people

The kayaking people

The trip on the MRT

Our home for the four days
On the first day, we assembled in school and brought out all the things needed for the camp out from the guides den. As the van arrived, we transfer all things to it and headed to the Camp Christine. When we arrived at Camp Christine, we unloaded all the things from the van and brought everything in. We had a breifing at Olave Hall and we started to pitch the tents. The day was spent pitching up the tents and making all the gadgets. We had our dinner and after some time, we had our lights out.
On the second day, we washed up and had our breakfast prepared by other schools from the East Division. At 9am, all the schools headed out of the camp and started our amazing race. We had to complete 8 stations and the amazing race was nation wide. So for most of our trips, we sat the MRT. We had our lunch at Little India. We did not manage to finish all the stations and we had to run all the way back to the campsite. It was a tough one. We ate dinner and had a campfire cheers practise session after we washed up. Then, it was lights out again.
The third day was the best. We had tele-matched and the most important thing for camp, the campfire!! At 9am again, we went to the different groups we were designed to. The campfire, outdoor games, rafting and kayaking groups. When the session ended, we had our tele-match games. It was very fun and we got a chance to work with other school people from the East Division. When evening comes, everyone gathered at the campfire ring for the campfire! We acted our skit we prepared in the morning. We had lots of fun cheering and performing. After that, we celebrated a little guy's birthday. We washed up and lights out.
The fourth day was short, but memorable. We spent most of out time unpitching the tent and transferring the items only the van. While waiting for our buses to arrive, we chatted with other school people and exchange handphone numbers to keep in touch. When our van came, we board it again and head for school. It was a long way back. When we reached school, we had to put back all the things into the guides den and after that, we broke camp and it was Home Sweet Home!

Welcome to
Enjoy your stay here!(;

About us

We are the Guides of Pasir Ris Crest Secondary.
2 COYs with 7 patrols make up our unit.

I promise to do my best
To do my duty to God
To serve my country and
help other people,and
To keep the Guide Law

#1) A Guide is loyal and can be trusted
#2) A Guide is useful and helps others
#3) A Guide is polite, considerate amd respects her elders
#4) A Guide is friendly and a Sister to all Guides
#5) A Guide is kind to all living things
#6) A Guide is obedient
#7) A Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties
#8) A Guide takes care of her own possessions and those of other people
#9) A Guide is thrifty and dilligent
#10) A Guide is self-disciplined in what she thinks, says and does

Company Leaders:

Assistant Company Leaders:
Jon Yi

Patrol Leaders:
Chang Yen
Li Tong
Jack Yi
Rui Yi

Patrol Seconds:
Kai Ting

*Puan Noor Aishah Gold Award 2003, 2004, 2005
*2004 Thinking Day Carrier Design, 2nd Runner up: Tan Mei Xuan
*East Division Day 2004:
-Best Dance Item
-Winner for Telematch compt
*Thinking Day banner design
*Camp Challenge 2004
*Puan Noor Aishah Silver Award 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
*East Division Day 2009:
-Best cheer
-2nd in Dance
*Camp Challenge 2009
*East Division Day 2010:
-1st in Dance
-2nd in Poster Making


Profi Badge Scheme

Designer: Sheryn
Basecodes: doughnutcrazy